Source code for no_teg.tourneys.round_robin
from no_teg import Tourney, Player
# circle algorithm
class Round_Robin(Tourney):
A subclass of Tourney to represent a round robin tournament.
Supports any number of players and each player plays eachother once.
def start(self):
extra_labels =
self.started = True
matchup_counter = 1
if len(self.players) % 2 == 1:
num_players = len(self.players) + 1
players = self.players + [Player('dummy')]
num_players = len(self.players)
players = self.players
num_rounds = num_players - 1
num_matches_per_round = num_players // 2
# rounds not currently used but could be in the future
rounds = []
for round_number in range(num_rounds):
matches = []
for match in range(num_matches_per_round):
if match == 0 and round_number == 0:
home = players[match].get_name()
away = players[-(match + 1)].get_name()
elif round_number % 2 == 0:
home = players[match].get_name()
away = players[-(match + 1)].get_name()
away = players[match].get_name()
home = players[-(match + 1)].get_name()
if match >= num_matches_per_round // 2 and round_number != 0:
home, away = away, home
if home != 'dummy' and away != 'dummy':
self.matchups[matchup_counter] = {
"Away": away,
"Home": home,
"Away_Score": None,
"Home_Score": None,
for stat in extra_labels:
self.matchups[matchup_counter][stat] = None
matchup_counter += 1
players.insert(1, players.pop())
def print_matchups(self): # pragma: no cover
for i in range(len(self.matchups)):
matchup_id = i + 1
home = self.matchups[matchup_id]["Home"]
away = self.matchups[matchup_id]["Away"]
if home is not None and away is not None:
print("{:d}: {:s} (A) vs {:s} (H)".format(matchup_id, away, home))
def print_results(self): # pragma: no cover
for i in range(len(self.matchups)):
matchup_id = i + 1
home = self.matchups[matchup_id]["Home"]
away = self.matchups[matchup_id]["Away"]
home_score = self.matchups[matchup_id]["Home_Score"]
away_score = self.matchups[matchup_id]["Away_Score"]
if home is not None and away is not None and home_score is not None and away_score is not None:
print("{:d}: {:s} ({:d}) vs {:s} ({:d})".format(matchup_id, away, away_score, home, home_score))